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Why Is It So Important To Drink Water And Stay Hydrated At Work?

2 min read

By Matt Stimpson |  Published

While water is essential to our health and wellbeing and vital for our bodies, plenty of employees still don't get how important it is to drink water to keep their hydration levels up at work. But apart from the supply of adequate drinking water being a legal requirement for all employers, why is it so important to stay hydrated at work?

Why is it important to stay hydrated?

Our bodies consist of around 60% water – even our blood is 90% water – so drinking water throughout our working day is vital to maintain our body’s natural fluid balance. Regardless of whether your job involves sitting at your desk for large portions of the day or keeping you active outdoors, drinking water helps deliver plenty of health benefits including:

• Keeping your joints lubricated and muscles hydrated

• Flushing toxins and bacteria from your body

• Improving your digestive system and avoiding constipation

• Helping to regulate your blood pressure

• Keeping your heart healthy

On top of all these things, staying hydrated during the day is also beneficial to your mental performance at work. A gradual fluid loss of just 1 or 2% can reduce both your memory and concentration levels and can also affect your mood. But water also gives you an energy boost to help overcome tiredness and generally feeling a bit sluggish. All in all, water is essential to greater productivity at work.

How much water should you drink?

While you should be drinking enough water to stay hydrated at work, it can be hard to know exactly what your water intake should be. There are plenty of factors involved which means the optimum water intake is different for everyone.

Things like age, height, weight, gender, and how physical your job is will all make a difference. But the weather and temperature of your workplace will also play a part, so find out how to keep yourself hydrated as the weather gets warmer.

The NHS Eat Well guide gives the advice to drink 6 to 8 glasses of ‘fluids’ each day, but it’s water, rather than just tea or coffee, that will give you the essential hydration and nutritional benefits your body needs. The key is to drink water regularly, little and often, and not just at mealtimes or when you feel thirsty.

Stay hydrated with Thirsty Work

While tea and coffee might taste great, drinking water at work through the day for maximum hydration really is the healthiest option. And having a fully installed, cost-effective, and super-convenient Thirsty Work bottled water cooler or mains fed water cooler is the best way to make sure you get the water intake you need.

For more information about our water coolers, service packages, and customer-focused deliveries, call our customer service team on 01392 877 172 or email hello@thirstywork.com today. We’ll answer your questions and tell you everything you need to know, as well as give you your free quote or start your no-obligation 10-day free trial.