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How To Keep Yourself Hydrated As The Weather Gets Warmer

2 min read

By Matt Stimpson |  Published

It can be hit and miss in the UK, but we’re now starting to see temperatures slowly rising as we head towards another glorious summer (fingers crossed). But as those temperatures rise and the weather gets warmer, it’s crucial to stay cool and keep your hydration levels up by drinking plenty of fluids. So how can you make sure you’re staying hydrated?

Warm weather hydration

Up to 60% of all adult bodies are made up of water. And along with other essentials, even our blood is around 90% water. The NHS Eat Well guide says we all ought to be drinking 6 to 8 glasses of ‘fluids’ each day. Other sources suggest a total daily fluid intake of 2 litres for women and 2.5 litres for men.  But all this can include fluids included in food as well as drinks.

However, this is subjective and much can differ depending on your body, your overall health, and any medical conditions you may have. But making sure you keep hydrated – and keeping those hydration levels up – is crucial to your physical and mental wellbeing, especially during spells of warmer weather. Here are some tips on how to do it successfully:

Drink more water!

Sounds obvious, but while drinking other fluids can help, it’s water that delivers the essential goodness your body needs. As the weather gets warmer, try and increase your intake and drink water and healthy fluids gradually throughout the day.

Avoid certain fluids

While water is in all fluids, some of them can work against your body’s best hydration interests. Try and avoid drinks like coffee, alcohol, and sugary drinks as these contain ingredients that divert water away from your body tissue – and straight into your bladder.

Eat water-rich foods

You can increase your water intake by eating plenty of foods with high water content. All fruit and veg fit this description, but for maximum effect, try to eat more things like cucumber, tomatoes, strawberries, or grapefruit.

Replace what you sweat out

If you’re a regular at the gym or enjoy outdoor pursuits, the summer heat means you’ll be sweating more as you walk, run, cycle, or work out. Whatever activity you’re participating in, be sure to drink water several hours before you start, as well as during and after your exercise.

Watch out for signs of dehydration

Feeling hot, being thirsty, headaches, dry skin, and tiredness are all signs of being dehydrated. If you’re experiencing these then it’s likely you’re not drinking enough. Give yourself a boost with a few glasses of water and try and keep drinking regularly.

Thirsty Work water coolers

Warmer weather means drinking more water and keeping up the hydration levels of your staff, visitors, and gym members is vital. Make it as easy as possible for them with a Thirsty Work mains fed water cooler or bottled water cooler in your office or gym.

For more information on low budget options or to start your free water cooler trial, call our Customer Support team on 01392 877172 or email us at hello@thirstywork.com today.