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Our range

Pura Products

PuraServe is the hospitality division of Thirsty Work. We are committed to providing Pura products that supply the highest level of drinking water solutions through our high quality range of taps, bottling systems, filtration and glass bottles. With options for front and back of house, chilled, boiling and sparkling water, and a wide range of accessories and branded glass bottles we cater for all businesses in the hospitality industry. Serve premium filtered drinking water in your own branded glass bottles. Call our Pura consultants on 01392 877172 to build your hospitality package.

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Why Choose PuraServe Products?

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Advanced Filtration Technology

Our advanced Pura water dispenser filter systems have options to filter out microplastics, reduce potential harmful contaminants, sediment, bad taste and odour issues, reduce scale build-up and reduce toxic lead in water.

Why Choose PuraServe Products?

Branded Glass Bottles

Our dishwasher-safe glass bottles can be branded with your company logo to provide a premium quality feel to your water solutions - an environmentally friendly and economical accessory for your water dispenser. 

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Sustainable Products

Water dispensers with Pura water filters can help to reduce refrigeration / storage space, reduce transportation costs, save energy and ultimately reduce the amount of single-use plastic bottle waste that goes to landfill.

How Can We Help You

Or leave us a message and a member of our expert friendly team will call you back and to discuss your drinking water requirements.

  • We manage your installation from start to finish
  • Free delivery, full service and filter change included in rental
  • Branded glass bottles available

Arrange a FREE callback

Keep your workforce hydrated and increase productivity. We will call you straight back, during working hours.

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