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We’re Committed to Reducing Our Impact on the Environment

glass of water

Taking Action, Taking Care of Our Planet

Providing fresh drinking water has a relatively small effect on the environment, but like any other business our activities still have some impact. As a leading water cooler supplier we are committed to improving our own performance and preventing pollution of the local, regional and global environment.

We continuously consider our impact on the environment, and aim to help our customers to reduce plastic waste, and recycle where possible.

When you install a Thirsty Work water dispenser you’re encouraging your customers to refill their own cups, glasses and bottles, reducing the need for single use plastics. 

bottles of water

Bottled water has the lowest carbon footprint of any packaged beverage

Our water is bottled in Shropshire beside the Wenlock Edge - situated within a protected Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), filtering naturally through Silurian Limestone rock.

The whole bottling process takes place on-site - from source to bottle, with as little impact on the environment as possible.

On-site biomass boilers generate carbon neutral energy, and a new palletiser system is streamlining the efficiencies of the bottling line.

bottles of water for office water dispensers

Refillable Water Bottles

Our bottle deposit scheme is an essential part of our eco-friendly processes, ensuring that our water bottles are reused, refilled or recycled, and don’t end up in landfill.

We charge our customers a refundable bottle deposit to encourage them to return the bottles for sterilisation and refilling. When they reach the end of their lifecycle the bottles are chipped to be recycled and never go to landfill.

We invest in robust labelling to ensure we only use one label per bottle during its entire life.

Recyclable Paper Cups for Cold Water Dispensers

Recyclable Paper Cups

In 2018 we automatically switched all of our customers over to using our new range of recyclable or compostable paper cups, achieving a 99% reduction in the single use plastic cups that we distribute.

recycle logo with coolers

Recyclable Products

We take on the responsibility for the recycling of our bottled and mains fed products and use ecologically sound recyclable packaging materials where possible.

Where possible handling the recycling of our products and packaging without relying on our customers. We currently recycle our waste in the following categories: paper, cardboard, plastics, metals and general.

removes trace plastics

Water Filtration

Our range of Pura filters have been developed to use our advanced filtration technology, retaining trace minerals in the water but removing harmful contaminants, sediment, and trace plastics down to 1 micron size.

Solar Installation at Thirsty Work

Our Exeter Office is Powered By Solar!

We’re always looking at ways to reduce our energy consumption, and become more sustainable. To achieve this, we've invested in an on-site solar installation, making our Exeter office completely self-sufficient!

van on road

Distribution Efficiency and Energy Reduction

We have invested in technology systems and processes that ensure we are distributing our products in the most efficient way possible. Active management alongside these systems ensures we achieve maximum efficiency, reducing our annual mileage and emissions. We are constantly working with our fleet providers to ensure we are at the leading edge of efficient transportation.

environmental logo

Our vehicles conform to the latest Euro 6, European emission standards for light commercial vehicles.

We are proud of our environmental record and believe in a genuine, open policy of energy reduction. We are committed to constantly reducing all aspects of our environmental impact, from eliminating landfill waste to reducing our overall CO2 emissions.

environmental r600

New, greener refrigeration

Our new machines will be manufactured to use gasses that won’t contribute to ozone depletion or global warming.

R600a is a naturally occurring refrigerant gas (a hydrocarbon called isobutane). It is non-toxic and proven to have zero ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and very low GWP (Global Warming Potential), helping to reduce the carbon footprint of your company.

It also has excellent thermodynamic (cooling) properties resulting in high energy efficiency.

The use of this gas is currently being introduced to our water dispenser range.


Helping Our Customers To Reduce Single-use Plastic Waste

We help businesses to reduce their plastic waste by supplying them with more sustainable drinking water solutions through water dispensers and plastic-free paper cups.

  • Choose Plastic-free, Recyclable Paper Cups.
  • Choose Re-usable Water Bottles
  • Ditch Single-use Plastic Bottles
  • Filter Out Microplastics
  • Choose Eco-friendly Water Dispensers

How Can We Help You?

Call us on 01392 877 172

Or leave us a message and a member of our expert friendly team will call you back and to discuss your drinking water requirements.

  • Free 10 day trial - no obligation
  • We manage your installation from start to finish
  • Free delivery, full service and filter change included in rental

Arrange a FREE Call Back

Keep your workforce hydrated and increase productivity. We will call you straight back, during working hours.

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