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Top Five Tips To Save Water During The Summer

2 min read

By Matt Stimpson |  Published

As we experience another hot summer – including the driest July in 100 years – the focus is back on the climate emergency and our water demand. As the warm weather continues, some areas in London, the South, and South East are looking at a hosepipe ban. But while that might prevent you from watering your garden or cleaning your car, what else can you do to make water savings this summer? Here are our five tips.

1. Switch your shower head

Depending on your showerhead, you could use up to 15 litres of water per minute for your shower. So a 10-minute shower could use 150 litres every time. If you switch your showerhead to an aerated version that mixes air with water, you could reduce your water usage by up to half without compromising on pressure. And if you reduce your shower time by just 1 minute, you’ll save even more.

2. Update your toilet flush

Flushing your toilet can account for around 30% of your water usage. And as the water used to fill up your cistern is pure, treated drinking water, that’s a lot to flush away. By swapping a standard flush (which uses around 13 litres each time) to a dual flush, you could use only about 4-6 litres. You could save even more by not flushing every time, as the saying goes, ‘if it’s yellow, let it mellow’.

3. Turn off your taps

Leaving the tap running while you shave, brush your teeth, or wash your face can use up to 6 litres of water per minute. That’s 12 litres for every 2-minute toothbrushing session – which could be 48 litres for a family of 4 – twice a day, down the plughole. This is a crucial water-saving tip that should become second nature.

4. Use water-efficient cleaning cycles

Choosing an ‘eco’ or ‘economy’ setting on your dishwasher can be a more efficient use of water and energy than washing by hand. So ensure it’s a full load to make the most out of each use. And a typical load of washing might be less than your machine can hold, so make sure that’s full too – especially in summer when there can be extra washing.

5. Check for leaks

Dripping taps or leaking loos can be an incredible waste of water. Toilet leaks are the most common, with a steady trickle from the cistern wasting up to 400 litres a day which can become a whopping 146,000 litres a year. Dripping taps can also mount up in the same way. But sometimes leaks can be underground outside your house, so keep an eye on your water bills for any unusual readings.

Keep cool and save water with Thirsty Work

The weather tends to get hotter around London and the South East, more so than in many other places in the UK, which puts extra pressure on the area’s water services. These tips can help you save water, money, and energy for the good of the planet – and your pocket.

But you’ll need to stay hydrated and refreshed as the summer temperatures rise too. So check out our range of bottled water coolers and mains fed water coolers that we can install in your home or office to keep you hydrated all day – with no waste and plenty of water savings.

For more information, contact our customer service team on 02080 498 501 or email hello@thirstywork.com today to start your no-obligation, no-risk, 10-day free trial.