Industry insights

Top 5 Tips On How To Stay Hydrated At Work

2 min read

By Ryan Tedder |  Published

Whether you’re hard at work in the office or at home, in the crazy schedule of your daily work routine, it's easy to forget the simple things. And one of those simple but crucial things is staying hydrated. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining focus, energy levels, and overall well-being throughout the day, so staying hydrated at work is essential. So, here are five top tips on how to stay hydrated at work and feel your best as you go through your day.

Always keep a water bottle handy

One of the most effective ways to stay hydrated at work is to keep a water bottle handy on your desk or at your workstation. With a wide range of reusable bottles available, you can help reduce plastic waste and ensure you always have water within easy reach. Fill it up before you leave for work or at work from your water cooler, ready to sip, gulp, or guzzle throughout the day.

Create a schedule for your hydration 

Just like you schedule meetings or tasks for the day, creating a hydration schedule can help make sure you drink enough water. Set specific times throughout the day for a drink, such as first thing in the morning, before and after lunch, and mid-afternoon. Prioritising hydration and incorporating it into your routine becomes a healthy habit, and you're more likely to stay productive and on track.

Flavour your water

While super healthy, drinking plain water isn't the most inspiring of drinks. If you find it unappealing, why not use different flavours to make it more enjoyable? Add slices of orange, lemon, cucumber, or berries to your water, giving it a refreshing twist without any added sugar or calories. Try different combinations to find one that works for you – and keeps you reaching for your water bottle.

Monitor your urine colour

It might be a bit ‘eww’, but one of the simplest ways to see if you’re drinking enough is by monitoring the colour of your urine. Aim for a pale straw colour – that probably means you're staying sufficiently hydrated. If your urine is darker, take it as a visual cue to drink more water. Keep an eye on this throughout the day and increase or maintain your intake to make sure you're drinking enough.

Limit your caffeine intake

While it may be tempting to slavishly reach for a cup of coffee or tea to boost your energy levels during your working day, excessive caffeine intake can actually dehydrate you. Drinking either of these has a diuretic effect, making you want to pee more and leading to dehydration. Limit your tea and coffee intake, and balance it with plenty of water to maintain hydration.

How to stay hydrated at work with Thirsty Work

Knowing how to stay hydrated at work is essential for maintaining optimal health and boosting mental and physical performance. Following these top five tips ensures you get enough to drink throughout your day, even if you’re up against a busy work schedule. And you'll be well on your way to staying hydrated and feeling your best at work, no matter what the day throws your way.

But if your tap water isn't doing it for you taste-wise, why not try one of our bottled water coolers or mains-fed water coolers? Together with ambient and even hot water on tap, each model delivers all the great-tasting, fully filtered, ice-cold water you need to refill your water bottle. Call the team today on 01392 877 172 or email for your free quote or to get started on your 10-day free trial.

drinking water from water dispenser

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