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Stay Chilled: How to Keep Cool In The Office Environment

2 min read

By Ryan Tedder |  Published

Now that summer’s just around the corner, we can look forward to some warmer, sunnier weather. But if the last few years are any indicator, we might just be in for another scorcher. Having a comfortable temperature in the office is essential for productivity and well-being. So, when the office gets too warm, it can lead to discomfort, reduced efficiency, and even health issues. Here’s our guide on how to keep cool at work in the office this summer.

Wear lightweight clothing

Whether your office dress code is formal, smart casual, or just casual, always go for lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton, linen, or moisture-wicking materials like polyester. These fabrics will help regulate your body’s temperature by allowing air to circulate and moisture to evaporate. But even in a warm office, temperatures can still rise and fall thanks to air conditioning. So, dressing in layers means you can adjust your clothing to stay comfortable.

Stay hydrated

When it comes to staying cool, staying hydrated is key. Drinking plenty of water helps you feel thirst-quenched, refreshed, and alert throughout the day. Keep a reusable water bottle on your desk and take regular large gulps (rather than small sips) before refilling it from your office mains-fed or bottled water cooler. And avoid hot, stodgy meals for lunch, and instead choose high-water-content salads, vegetables, and fruits.

Throw open the windows

What should the temperature be in the office? According to the HSE, understanding the optimal office temperature is essential and “a reasonable working temperature in workrooms… at least 16°C, or 13°C for strenuous work”. But on a hot day, open windows or use fans to promote good air circulation throughout the office. Proper ventilation will help remove warm, stuffy air from the office and bring in fresh, cooler air.

Crank the air conditioning

Inevitably, using the office AC means some will be too cold while others won’t be cool enough. It’s an argument that rages in offices every year. A 15ºC arctic blast might be perfect for some, while others may prefer a warmer 19ºC breeze. However, the cooler the temperature, the more energy the AC will use. So, find a balance using the thermostat feature to adjust the temperature for a consistent and comfortable environment.

Use gadgets and accessories

Using cooling gadgets like personal air coolers or cooling pads for your chair can provide targeted cooling to keep you comfortable without affecting anyone else in the office. Cooling accessories, like cooling towels or wristbands, can also give you fast, cooling relief just by soaking them in water, wringing out the excess, and placing them on your neck or wrists for instant effect.

Stay chilled – and hydrated with Thirsty Work

Understanding how to keep cool in the office can involve a mix of personal and office-wide adjustments. By using some of the suggestions here, you’ll have a more comfortable and productive workspace for yourself and others. But staying hydrated is essential, and drinking refreshing, pure filtered water from one of our office mains-fed or bottled water coolers is the easiest and best way to do it.

So why not begin a 10-day free trial of a water cooler of your choice to see how much it can benefit your staff? Call our customer service team on 01392 877 172 today or email hello@thirstywork.com to get started. We can also give you a free quote and talk about the service and maintenance package best suited to you.