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How Much Water Should I Drink During Exercise To Stay Hydrated?

2 min read

By Ryan Tedder |  Published

Love it or loathe it, exercise plays an all-important part in helping us all stay fit and healthy. But like any physical activity, it’s vital that you stay hydrated and drink water during exercise sessions, especially if it’s hot. So whether you’re setting off on an early morning walk or about to smash it with an intense gym workout, it’s essential to know how much water you should drink to feel good before, during, and after your session.

Why you should drink water during exercise

While water will always quench your thirst, it’s also the most essential ingredient to help your body function properly. Our bodies are made up of between 55% and 60% water, and by keeping those levels up, automatic bodily functions like digestion, nutrient transportation, and joint lubrication keep working to keep us healthy.

So, is it good to drink water during a workout? Absolutely - YES. When you exercise, your body loses up to 2 litres of fluid through sweat – and that needs replacing. If you’re not taking in enough fluids during your session, you’ll start to dehydrate, feeling tired and overheated, while your heart works harder to move blood around your body. 

According to market-leading gym Fitness First, “a 2% reduction in fluids can result in a 10-20% degradation in performance”. So, staying hydrated and drinking water during exercise means you’ll get the most out of your session.

How much water should you drink during exercise?

While the amount of water you should drink during exercise is up to you, it will vary depending on several factors. But, first things first: whatever exercise you’ll be doing, make sure you hydrate beforehand. This hydration is vital to give your body a boost and make sure your workout won’t be affected before you start.

So, alongside the suggested 6-8 glasses of water a day (roughly around 2 litres), you should take on an additional 500ml (half a litre) per hour of exercise. But how much water you‘ll need to drink during your exercise might depend on how much you sweat, what kind of environment you’ll be exercising in (whether in a hot gym or outside in the heat of direct sunlight), and how hard you’ll be working out.

Should I only drink water during exercise?

Water is the most natural thing in the world to put into our bodies, delivering exceptional health benefits with every gulp before, during, and after exercise. While this will do just fine for an average session, a specialist sports drink may suit you if you go for more extreme or strenuous training or a fully loaded, intense workout.

With these workouts, your body will lose much more fluid, minerals, and essential nutrients through sweat. Sports energy drinks contain plenty of carbs and electrolytes that will replace what you lose and keep you hydrated all the way through your workout.

Work out with Thirsty Work

With plenty of benefits to drinking water during exercise, there’s no reason why you should deny your body what it needs. Thirsty Work can install a range of bottled water coolers and mains-fed water coolers to help keep you hydrated during a workout session and stay healthy throughout your exercise routine or training session. 

To find out more, call our customer service team today for more information, get your free quote, or kickstart your no-obligation, 10-day free trial. Speak to the team today on 01392 877 172 or email hello@thirstywork.com and stay hydrated with the best in great-tasting filtered water.