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How Many Water Dispensers Do You Need In Your Office?

2 min read

By Ryan Tedder |  Published

The well-being of your staff is a top priority, and choosing the right number of office water dispensers plays a crucial role in this. Whether you choose bottled or mains-fed water coolers or a combination of both, striking the right balance means that everyone can easily access refreshing chilled or ambient water. To help you decide, here are some factors to consider to work out how many water dispensers your office needs.

Your office size and layout

The size and layout of your office space are the most important things to think about when deciding on how many water dispensers to install. Larger departments or offices over several floors will need more dispensers so everyone has convenient access wherever they’re based. Try to place an office water dispenser in high-traffic areas such as break rooms, meeting rooms, or near workstations.

The number of staff

The number of staff in your office is a key factor that will directly influence the demand for water during the day. As a general rule, you should aim for at least one water dispenser per 25 employees, which will take into account different usage patterns throughout the day. However, larger teams may need additional dispensers to meet increased demand or if they’re spread over different floors.

Overall water usage

Work out the peak usage times in your office to make sure supply meets demand during busy periods. If teams have meetings or break-out sessions at certain times of the day, placing extra dispensers nearby can prevent waiting or the need to walk to another dispenser. Learning your employee’s habits can help you understand when and where additional water dispensers are needed.

The type of water dispenser

You can choose between the most suitable type of office water dispenser for your team: a bottled water cooler or a mains-fed water cooler. Bottled water coolers give you pure filtered spring water, flexibility in their position, and need no installation – only an available plug socket – making them an excellent and practical choice for offices without close access to plumbing. 

Alternatively, mains-fed water coolers give you a continuous supply of filtered water directly from the mains water supply. Choosing this model also means you don’t need any bottle replacements, helping to reduce your environmental impact. But if you’re worried about keeping a mains-fed water cooler in your office kitchen, don't worry – you can install them up to 13m from the source. Read our previous blog on which is best for you.

Choose your office water dispensers with Thirsty Work

Having an office water dispenser within convenient and easy reach of your employees is a great way to help them stay healthy, hydrated, and productive all day. By understanding these key factors, you can make sure you have just the right balance of water dispensers in place for them. Whether you choose bottled or mains-fed water coolers, prioritising hydration supports a happy and healthy workplace.

If you need help or advice in finding out how many dispensers you need or where to install them, talk to our customer service team today. Call 01392 877 172 or email hello@thirstywork.com, and they’ll give you all the information you need. Plus, they’ll be able to give you a free quote or start your no-obligation 10-day free trial so you can get the ball rolling.