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Can I Drink Water During Fasting, And Is It Recommended?

2 min read

By Ryan Tedder |  Published

If you’re looking to lose weight, it can be hard to know which diet will suit you, your body, and your lifestyle, especially when the latest fad diets are changing all the time. But fasting or intermittent fasting is a diet that’s been around for a good number of years and is as popular now as it’s ever been. If you’re thinking of trying it and asking, “Can I drink water during fasting?”, read on.

What is fasting?

In general, fasting means consuming zero calories through food or drink and is often used to improve overall health. Both fasting and intermittent fasting are controlled diets that focus on when you eat rather than what you eat. But while proper fasting can last for several days or even weeks, it’s usually recommended only with professional advice from your doctor or a healthcare professional.

However, its more popular cousin, intermittent fasting, is a ‘time-restricted’ diet that many people are looking into. It involves only eating during a specific time period and fasting for the rest of the day. This option has a few different variations, including:


  • The 16/8 diet - only eating during any 8-hour slot (7am to 3pm or 10am to 6pm, for example) and fasting for the other 16 hours.
  • The 18/6 diet - only eating during any 6-hour slot and fasting for the other 18 hours.
  • The 20/4 diet - only eating during any 4-hour slot and fasting for the other 20 hours.


Whichever variant you choose, your body responds to the lack of food (or calorific intake) by using stored reserves and then burning body fat for energy. This calorie restriction and fat burning is why intermittent fasting is an accepted way to lose weight. However, it may also be an effective way to help protect against other health conditions such as heart disease or diabetes.

Can I drink water during fasting?

Whichever variation of fasting or intermittent fasting you choose, like any diet, it’s important to eat as sensibly and healthily as possible during your allotted time frame. But if “Can I drink water during fasting or intermittent fasting?” is your question, the answer is an emphatic ‘Yes!’. 

According to health science company ZOE, “it’s generally considered OK to drink black, unsweetened coffee or tea, as well as water.” during your fast. This is good news as water is good for you, and being the ultimate liquid, it’s highly recommended to keep you healthy and hydrated at all times, refreshing the parts other fluids can’t reach! While the average is to drink 6-8 glasses (around 1 litre) each day, you could increase this a little if you want to.

Only drink the best during your fast

While there’s no real guidance on what type of water is better for you during fasting, mineral-rich water could replace some of the minerals your body may be losing. And that makes the spring water used for our bottled water coolers at Thirsty Work ideal. Coming from a natural source some 60m underground, its mineral content gives it an amazing taste.

To learn more about our natural spring water or our range of water coolers, speak to our customer service team. You can get your free quote and even start your no-obligation, 10-day free trial. Call today on 01392 877 172 or email hello@thirstywork.com and stay hydrated properly while fasting.