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Can I Drink Carbonated Water While Fasting?

2 min read


If you’re thinking about fasting, whether for health or personal reasons, you may well have a few questions about what you can or can't drink – and even whether it might break your fast. Among the most common questions people ask is, ‘Can I drink carbonated water while fasting?’. To get to the bottom of this and other questions, let’s look at some insights to help you make the right choices. 

What is fasting?

Fasting involves not eating any food and only drinking certain drinks for a specific period. Importantly, it’s a controlled diet that focuses on when you eat, not what you eat. People often fast for a few days or even weeks to improve their overall health, as part of a diet or weight management, but it can also be for religious reasons. 

However, intermittent fasting is far more common and involves eating only within a certain 8-hour, 6-hour, or 4-hour time slot, then fasting for the rest of the day. Your body reacts to the lack of calories by using its stored reserves and burning body fat for energy. 

What is carbonated water?

You might know carbonated water as sparkling water or fizzy water, but these are really just different names for the same thing – water that contains carbon dioxide gas. But just like still water, it’s also calorie-free and is a great alternative if you fancy a little fizz from time to time. It’s OK to drink carbonated water every day as long as you don't stop drinking still water altogether.

Can I drink carbonated water while fasting?

When you fast intermittently, just like any other diet, you should eat sensible, healthy food during the time slot you’ve given yourself. But because water is very good for you, you can drink as much of it as you like when fasting, usually around 2 litres per day – and that includes carbonated water. So, yes – you can drink carbonated water, and it won’t break your fast because it contains no calories, sugars, or sweeteners.

The benefits of drinking carbonated water while fasting

Adding carbonated water to your fasting routine brings you several advantages. Here are some key benefits that will help improve your fasting experience.

  • Hydration – Drinking water and staying hydrated is essential during your fast, and carbonated water is just as good at doing that.
  • Fullness – The bubbles in carbonated water that give it its fizz can make you feel fuller, which could help to reduce any hunger pangs.
  • Variety – Still water can be a little boring when you’re fasting, so mixing things up with carbonated water could make it easier to stick to your fast.

Get fizzy with Thirsty Work

Drinking carbonated water as you fast can be a great way to stay hydrated while making it easier to stick to your routine. But rather than buying endless bottles of it from the shops, why not use a cost-effective, more sustainable alternative with a Thirsty Work water cooler? 

With mains-fed water coolers and bottled water coolers available, most models offer sparkling water coolers alongside the usual chilled and ambient options. To find out more, speak to our customer service team today on 01392 877 172 or email hello@thirstywork.com. You can get a free quote and even start your no-obligation 10-day free trial to see how carbonated water can make a refreshing change to your fast.