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Industry insights

Are Water Dispensers Good For Your Health?

By Matt Stimpson |  Published

Having easy access to a clean and hygienic water source is essential to our overall health and wellbeing. For that reason alone, more and more offices, public buildings and spaces, and even homes are using water dispensers to provide a convenient source of chilled or ambient water. But are water dispensers really good for your health?

Waters dispensers = a healthy option

Our bodies are made up of approx. 60% water and the NHS recommends keeping that level topped up by drinking 6-8 glasses a day, helping you to keep a steady core body temperature, a healthy digestive system, and good circulation. While quenching the thirst of yourself, your friends, family, and staff will also come in a pretty close second to those, there are plenty of other reasons why a water dispenser can give health benefits.

Pure and healthy

Tap water goes through a long and thorough treatment process before it’s safe to drink. But it can also be exposed to other contamination and bacteria before it gets to your tap. While it’s rare, it can have serious health implications, especially for the young and elderly. But sometimes, it just doesn’t taste very nice thanks to the added chemicals.

In contrast, bottled water dispensers provide crystal clear, healthy, and untreated spring water that’s 100% pure before it fills your glass. Even our mains fed water dispensers are fitted with an inbuilt purifying filter system to extract any potential nasties that might be lurking in the pipeline. All this gives you great tasting, natural water that helps maintain a healthy mind and body.

Hydrating qualities

Drinking enough water and staying hydrated is essential for our bodies. Dehydration can make you feel tired, lightheaded, and generally drained which is neither healthy nor productive. Drinking more water more regularly will help eliminate all that and will also help hydrate your skin for amazing results too.

Drinking water to flush your body of the toxins that naturally build up means you can help improve your complexion, reduce puffiness, and clear acne or irritated skin – it can even mean fewer wrinkles. By having one or more water dispensers around your workplace, school, or home, everyone can get the essential health and hydration they need.

Encourage a healthy lifestyle

So with just a handful of benefits noted, that should be enough to make anyone drink more regularly. Water dispensers bring a lot of health and wellbeing benefits to the table wherever they’re installed. But using one may take some getting used to, so people might need a little encouragement to get started.

By making it easier for everyone to drink more water with well-positioned water dispensers in high traffic areas, it’s a health benefit which people will actually want to use. Installing Thirsty Work water dispensers into any office or public environments means you can encourage people to drink more and maintain life’s healthy essentials. And before too long, it will become a healthy habit.

Hassle-free health form Thirsty Work

Get your free quote or sign up for your free water dispenser trial for your home or business today. We’ll deliver and install it for you and give you hassle-free service to keep your water dispenser clean and maintained to the highest standard. Contact the Thirsty Work team today on 01392 877 172 or email us on hello@thirstywork.com.

drinking water from water dispenser

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